30 Saint-Just Avenue
Montréal (Québec) H2V 1X8

An International Centre
Dedicated to Puppetry Arts



The Maison internationale des arts de la marionnette (MIAM—International House of Puppetry Arts) is a joint initiative of Casteliers, a specialized presenter of puppet theatre, and the Québec Puppeteer Association (Association québécoise des marionnettistes—AQM). This creative hub, which also serves as a performance venue, and a training and cultural mediation centre, is entirely dedicated to the 11th art! It offers a wide range of services to professional artists and the general public, including a production lab, a puppet-building workshop, a multi-functional space, as well as specialized resources and know-how. On top of that, it is located right next to the Robert-Bourassa Library which houses an outstanding, specialized collection of works on puppetry.


The MIAM is a unique place where members of the local, national and international communities are always welcome. Casteliers and the AQM have their offices in the building and Casteliers is the emphyteutic owner.


The MIAM’s primary mission is to support the creation and development of puppetry, to make this art form better known and to promote it nationally and internationally.


With a puppet-building workshop and a production lab housed in the same building, the MIAM offers a unique research space for puppeteers. Its rental space and activities run by the founders, partners and users are wide-ranging, impromptu and always evolving. It offers artistic residencies, professional training workshops, master classes and lectures.




  • Cultural mediation activities
  • Artistic residencies
  • Shows (live performances, film screenings, exhibits)
  • Professional and non-professional training workshops
  • Rental space (Tool box, creative lab)
  • Pooling of expertise and specialized resources


Information / Rental

Julie Laviolette
MIAM Coordinator

Phone: 514-270-2717


Download MIAM technical rider

Download Laboratory plan


Photos: Christian Brault
(except the tool box photo: Casteliers)