Support us

When you support Casteliers, you are actively supporting the many facets of puppetry arts: presentation, research and creation, as well as community outreach.


No gift is too small! Whether you have $5, $10, $50 or $500 to offer, every donation helps.


One-time gift

Donate now!

Monthly donations

You would like to make a longer-term commitment?

A monthly donation for as little as $5/month (about the cost of a café au lait) would help just as much!

I would like to support Casteliers long-term!

By mail or in person

You can also fill in a donation form and either make a cash donation or send a cheque made out to Casteliers. Send your completed donation form to:

30 Saint-Just Avenue
Montréal (Québec) H2V 1X8


First donation to a cultural organization

Enquire about the First major donation to a cultural organization program, under which you can claim a tax refund of up to 75%!

A gift is considered to be a major cultural donation if it meets all of the following conditions:

  • It is a monetary donation with an eligible amount of at least $5,000 but no more than $25,000.
  • It was made by an individual (other than a trust) after July 3, 2013.
  • It was made to one of the following organizations:
    • a registered charity operating in Québec in the arts or culture sector;
    • a registered cultural or communications organization;
    • a registered museum.

In addition to the tax credit for charitable donations and other gifts, a large cultural donation entitles the donor to a tax credit of 25% of the eligible amount of the gift (to a maximum of $25,000).

More information on the program


Casteliers is actively recruiting volunteers to help with various activities such as festivals, conferences, exhibits, shows, and workshops.

Contact us at and come join the team!