Missions and values

Firmly rooted in the Greater Montréal area, Casteliers is a specialized theatre presenter dedicated to puppetry arts, always in search of the most outstanding creations from here and from around the world, to the great fascination of adults and children alike.A trailblazer, Casteliers is co-founder of the Maison internationale des arts de la marionnette (MIAM), a unique cultural centre that welcomes artists and forges extraordinary international collaborations.

With its regular season, annual international festival, creative residencies, and school and specialized workshops, Casteliers weaves productive and meaningful links with artistic communities in Québec, Canada, and around the world. Casteliers strives to ensure that puppetry is given full recognition as an exceptional, age-old, and thoroughly contemporary artistic form: the 11th art.


These values inspire and guide Casteliers in its dealings with artists, audiences, and partners, as well as within its own team.


Multiform creative works that combine ingenuity, artistic mastery, talent and beauty, presented under optimal conditions.

A professional, affable, generous and sensitive welcome.

In tune with current practice, with a curiosity willing to take risks based on in-depth knowledge of the artistic community.

Teamwork and the value of weaving links on a local, national and international scale.

Sustainable development
Adopting low-carbon footprint practices that have a positive social, economic and environmental impact.